
Elements Of Power^2 Chapter 9

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Chapter 9- Rise

Part 1

March 27, 2016---Chromium Ridge, eastern area

It was the middle of the night as Iodine continued its search for Fluorine’s protons. The winged element had spotted a pair of footprints outside of the usual perimeter. It knew that the Radioactives were constantly walking around Carbon Forest and any nearby areas. These particular footprints belonged to a lone element. The question of who it was piqued Iodine’s curiosity greatly. It examined the base of the ridge, discovering a large nook in the process. What was in the nook was the greatest surprise Iodine had ever experienced.

[Iodine]: “Finally.”

Part 2

Chlorine Sea, shorelines

Dread, pure dread was what Mercury was feeling at the moment. The Radioactives had challenged him to one final confrontation before they would obliterate the remaining survivors. One last chance. Their last battle had ended in utter defeat for the survivors. Chromium… He had so much potential, so much to live for, but had met his end in that battle. Who would meet their ends this time?

Mercury took a look at the elements who had gone with him. Silver, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Sodium, Gallium, Rutherfordium, Zinc, Nitrogen, and Vanadium, all of them were capable of battle. Then there was Ununseptium who had insisted on coming along. Mercury opposed the idea until Ununseptium had reminded him he had also lost a sister. Roentgenium had been with the group of elements who tried to migrate and were obliterated as a result. Mercury felt the smallest bit of pity, the only positive emotion he had ever felt towards a Radioactive.

He turned his attention to Zinc, Nitrogen, and Vanadium. These three elements had been personally taken under his wing and taught in as much combat as possible. They were still rookies, but the most prepared rookies he had known. His sister, Zinc, was especially ready. She would make him proud.

Silver was as nervous as Mercury was. His anxiety was causing him to get closer to going berserk. No, he couldn’t let that happen. He focused carefully on his brother and sister who were waiting back home for his return. This time, he would redeem himself for failing in his first battle with Ununquadium. Focus, focus…

Meanwhile, the members of Family 1 moved along quietly. Oxygen had pleaded with Mercury to let Hydrogen stay behind, but he had insisted on bringing every trained element to battle. Hence why she, Sodium, and Rutherfordium had come too. Oxygen remembered how easily Copernicium had overpowered his control of the skies. Sure he had been training, but was he really ready? He felt a small hand tug at his side.

[Hydrogen]: “Oxy, it’s okay.”

[Oxygen]: “Huh?”

[Hydrogen]: “It’s okay to be scared. H-Hydrogen is scared too.”

[Oxygen]: “I shouldn’t be scared. It is my duty to protect you.”

[Sodium]: “We’ll protect each other!”

[Oxygen]: “To the very end.”

[Rutherfordium]: “Of course you would get sentimental before battle. Lighten up before you get us all obliterated!”

[Mercury]: “You elements back there, quiet down! We’re here.”

The group of elements reached the top of a hill and saw a vast stretch of shoreline ahead. Chlorine Sea shimmered a bright green, welcoming the group. Unfortunately for them, the awaiting Radioactives were not so welcoming. Copernicium, Ununtrium, Ununquadium, Ununpentium, and Livermorium stood before the survivors. Within an instant, the situation had become tense.

[Copernicium]: “So you came to accept your fates! Are you ready to surrender?”

[Mercury]: “Not likely. I’ll go out fighting in the name of the Nobles. That I swear! I hate you stupid elements!”

[Zinc]: “Brother! Careful!”

[Ununquadium]: “If you think you have a bad temper, you should see mine!

[Ununtrium]: “What a hothead, thinking your leaders are so morally righteous.”

[Livermorium]: “Gallium… are you ready to be crushed?”

[Gallium]: “…”

Gallium got his swords ready.

[Copernicium]: “You are as foolish as your leaders, Mercury. Ah, Septi, is that you? I haven’t seen you since you ditched us at the forest!”

[Ununseptium]: “For better or worse I might add. Geni and I had to see for ourselves what kind of world we had been missing all those years.”

[Copernicium]: “So what did you find?”

[Ununseptium]: “A rather boring village of elements led by the Nobles. Exactly what I thought we would find.”

[Ununpentium]: “Boooo! You should have stuck with us, Septi! It’s a lot more fun!”

[Copernicium]: “You sound disappointed.”

[Ununseptium]: “I am. We devised our plans for their benefit-”

Ununseptium pulled out his sword and stabbed it through the back of Zinc.

[Ununseptium]: “…and we learned they could not be saved.”

Zinc disappeared in a flash of white light.

[Mercury]: “ZINC!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!??”

Ununseptium dodged Mercury’s sword strikes and regrouped with his family.

[Ununseptium]: “Following our plan of course. Wipe that look of anger from your face. Deep down, I know you wanted me to give you a reason to hate me. Here it is. Geni and I came into your village with a positive message, trying to teach peace to the newly restored elements. What was our thanks? Argon tried to obliterate me, and you tried to turn the elements against me. Despicable. I had the remainder of my family pretend to be the villains so you could see what we were capable of while Geni and I represented what we really are. The choice was in your hands as to how our plan would proceed. It has become all too clear that you would rather we all be villains. So here we are.”

[Mercury]: “ENOUGH!!!”

Mercury grabbed Zinc’s electron and used the tremendous source of power to expand his gelatinous body to colossal proportions. Furious, Mercury lifted a giant hand up and brought it slamming down on Ununseptium. A barrier of black rock surrounded Ununseptium to protect him from the incoming hammer arm. This wouldn’t stop Mercury as he continued to pound away at the defense. Each hit sunk the barrier into the sandy grounds of the shores, but it held together. The pain of hitting such a hard surface began to take its toll. Mercury’s newfound power faded away, and he returned to his normal size. Severe bruises were on both of his hands.

[Mercury]: “What… What is this???”

[Ununseptium]: “Black diamond, the hardest mineral in Axiom. I happen to be the element who can control it. You were weak for taking that electron all for yourself. Have you not heard of covalence?”

[Mercury]: “Enough talk. You won’t get away with killing my sisters! I should have known you were in line with the other Radioactives!”

[Ununseptium]: “But of course. If you check the Periodic Table, you will see I am in line with them. I have always been. You managed to brainwash Zinc. Cadmium on the other hand, she is safe along with all the other followers of Ununoctium. They will be essential for our grand assembly when we welcome the return of our beloved leader.”

[Mercury]: “No… No!!!”

Mercury charged at Ununseptium, and was met with a swift punch straight to the face. He collapsed to the floor. A proton came rolling out of his bag. Ununseptium picked it up.

[Ununseptium]: “Bit unwise to carry such an important object, no? I knew the Nobles would have you guarding it. Make peace with them. After tonight’s assembly, we will return and every element in the village will be swiftly obliterated. Then we will truly finish what was started decades ago.

The Radioactives turned to walk in the opposite direction.

[Silver]: “No you don’t!!!”

With lightning speed, Silver rushed his new enemy. A wall of black diamond sprouted from the ground to cut him off. It was no use. The Radioactives were too heavily guarded from all sides.

[Silver]: “Darn…”

[Hydrogen]: “W-What just happened!? Hydrogen thought Septi was a good element!”

[Silver]: “We always assumed he was bad, and apparently he has decided to make us right.”

[Mercury]: “Blasted Radioactives, I’ll obliterate all of them!”

[Vanadium]: “Your hands are too injured, sir!”

[Nitrogen]: “We need to find shelter!”

[Mercury]: “Let go! I’m fine! Grrr…”

Mercury fell to his knees. He was angry without a way to vent it out. This feeling of complete helplessness was something he had not experienced before.

[Oxygen]: “I say we get out of here before they come back.”

[Silver]: “I second that.”

[Rutherfordium]: “Third.”

[Mercury]: “I will talk to the Nobles. Today will not be our last day. They won’t win!”

He slammed his right fist to the floor, knowing that they were outnumbered and overpowered.

Part 3

Hydrogen Ocean cliffs, Family 11 Residence

Silver arrived home feeling tired and confused. According to Ununseptium, the Radioactives had arrived in the village with good intentions. Today’s betrayal was a result of the Nobles’ intolerance or so he said. Even considering that, why had the Radioactives gone to such great lengths to threaten the survivors? A few important questions remained. He had finished explaining the situation to Gold and Copper.

[Gold]: “What a traitor! I can’t say I’m surprised!”

[Silver]: “The way he described his betrayal is like it had to happen. Makes me wonder if it was preventable.”

[Gold]: “Nahhh, those Radioactives are all bad. Can’t trust much of what they’re saying.”

[Silver]: “I don’t know, Gold. What I do know is he has to be stopped.”

[Copper]: “Brother… are you going to obliterate him?”

[Silver]: “It looks like I have to.”

Copper thought carefully over her brother’s words, and then sprang into action. She froze Silver’s feet to the floor and grabbed one of his swords from a wall.

[Silver]: “Ice? But how!?”

[Gold]: “What!?? Copper, you too??”

[Copper]: “Geni and Septi taught me how to use my power. T-They said you were trying to hold me back from the truth. And Septi said you would try to obliterate him for speaking the truth. I can’t let you hurt him!”

She held the sword next to Silver’s face. Gold got his own ready.

[Silver]: “No, Gold. This is our sister standing up for what she believes in. If we fight her, we will truly be intolerant elements like Ununseptium said.”

[Copper]: “Y-You aren’t going after him!”

[Silver]: “I am going after him. I’m sorry, Copper. Violence is the last thing I want to resort to, but-”

She swung her sword and made a clean cut across Silver’s face. Silver flinched, fighting back from yelling due to the immense pain.

[Gold]: “BROTHER!!!”

[Silver]: “Stay back, Gold! I will not fight my own sister. I was wrong to mock you and make fun of your beliefs. My mistake is coming full circle. I have to own up to it.”

[Copper]: “T-Then stop fighting Septi!”

[Silver]: “I can’t ignore his threat, Copper.”

Copper deemed his reply unacceptable and slashed at his face for a second time. Silver would have fallen to his knees if his legs weren’t frozen in place by Copper.

[Gold]: “Copper, think about what you’re doing!”

[Copper]: “Septi said I need to be strong for Ununoctium. I-If I let our brother go, Septi will be hurt.”

[Silver]: “He said… every element in the village would be obliterated… and that includes us too, I’m sure… I have to defend our family…”

[Copper]: “You haven’t changed at all!”

She sliced at his face for a third time. A few tears fell from Silver’s eyes. The pain was unbearable.

[Gold]: “COPPER, STOP IT NOW!!!”

[Silver]: “No… Let her… I would rather… die before seeing… our family split…”

[Copper]: “You did that when you kicked Geni out!”

A fourth slash was administered to his face. Silver’s matrix, a network of blue energy threads holding his skin together, was exposed. He tossed his helmet to the side as if to offer more skin to be hit.

[Gold]: “SILVER!”

[Silver]: “Go on, Copper… Do your work… I deserve this for… not giving Geni the respect… that she deserves…”

Copper silently tore away at Silver’s face. Slash after slash after slash was applied. Tears were rolling down her eyes as she continued. Within a minute of painful slices, most of Silver’s face had been cut away. His matrix worked to regenerate the skin, but any more cutting would drastically increase the amount of time it would take. Soon, the damage would pass the point of being fixable. Gold fought every urge in his body to cut their sister in half. What was happening was the cruelest punishment he had ever seen, far worse than what Cadmium had once did to him.

[Gold]: “Copper, please stop…”

[Copper]: “Why won’t you fight back, Silver…?”

[Silver]: “We’re… family…”

Silver’s legs broke through the ice and he collapsed to the floor. Copper readied herself to deal the finishing blow. For Ununseptium, Roentgenium… For Ununoctium, she must finish her brother before he became a danger. Her sword hovered over Silver’s back.

[Gold]: “Don’t do it, Copper!!!”

She lifted her sword, ready to stab it into Silver’s core. Her hands began to shake. Ununoctium was with her! Silver must get what he deserved. On the count of three, she would strike. One… Two… Two… Two… The shaking in her hands intensified. Copper gave it up and dropped her sword. She stooped to her knees and burst into tears.

[Copper]: “I’m… I’m sorry, Ununoctium!!! I’m not strong enough! Forgive me! I-I’m sorry!”

Gold ran to his brother’s aid and picked him up. Silver was nearly unconscious but still alive.

[Silver]: “I am sorry… Copper…”

He weakly put his arms around her, and she completed the embrace. Her guilt for hurting an element so much was on par with her guilt for betraying her own faith, for betraying Ununseptium.

[Copper]: “P-Please don’t go, brother, please… I don’t want us to fight anymore…”

[Silver]: “Come with us… Maybe you can talk to Geni… and bring her back…”

[Copper]: “O-Okay…”

The family had a small group hug in the quiet, solemn atmosphere of their home.

Eventually, the three elements heard a knock at the door. Gold answered it and found a winged element. He pulled his sword out instantly, ready to fight.

[Gold]: “Who’re you?”

[Iodine]: “Iodine, a… friend for lack of better terms. Or maybe acquaintance, yes, that would be more appropriate. Where is Silver?”

[Gold]: “Resting in his room.”

[Iodine]: “Take us to him.”

Copper was at Silver’s bedside when they heard knocks at the door.

[Gold]: “Brother! We have visitors.”

The door opened. Gold and Iodine walked in, followed by a third element, a pink one with limbs made of plasma.

[Silver]: “Fluorine!”

[Fluorine]: “Hi, Silver.”

[Silver]: “I saw Lattice Palace fall. You stayed behind with Chlorine!”

[Fluorine]: “Guess you should never trust a falling building to obliterate you. My brother did perish, but I survived. I spent a lot of time alone in the rubble thinking about what I had done. Alone, so alone… I’ve been walking Axiom until Iodine found me last night. My sibling told me you have a problem.”

[Silver]: “What does it matter to you? You’ve caused a lot of problems, like the obliteration of my brother and sister. If it wasn’t for you, there would be so many more elements alive today!”

[Fluorine]: “Silver, you learn so much about yourself when you are left with no one to talk to. It’s been six months since I have come across any element. I have come to terms with all my anger, my frustration. I know you’ll never forgive me for what I did, but you have to trust me. Let me make amends. I can help you.”

[Copper]: “Is it true, brother?”

[Silver]: “It is. Fluorine is one of the worst elements in existence.”

[Copper]: “Wow…”

[Fluorine]: “I know it’s terrible… Believe me, I know…”

Silver sighed heavily.

[Silver]: “Had it been another day or time, I would have immediately challenged you to a final duel. You have caused me so much pain with all of your stubbornness. But… now isn’t the time for grudges. Tonight, Ununseptium, will come back to the village and obliterate what’s left of the survivors. If there is going to be a battle, we need backup. If. Hopefully, we won’t have to resort to that.”

[Fluorine]: “We will have your back, Silver.”

[Iodine]: “Yes, all three of us.”

[Silver]: “Three?”

As if on cue, a third element walked into the already-crowded room. She was a purple element with maroon hair, covered almost completely in white armor.

[Silver]: “Polonium!”

[Polonium]: “Yeah, it’s me. The cavalry has arrived!”

[Silver]: “Hmph, I would have figured you’d be here for a rematch.”

[Polonium]: “Oh, I am getting my rematch alright. But first, I gotta take care of some loose ends with one of the Radioactives.”

[Silver]: “Yeah, that sounds about right. How did you survive the Sea of Fire?”

[Polonium]: “How do you think? I climbed out obviously. Did you really think my story would be taken out so easily? Hah! You fool!”

[Iodine]: “With my student here, we should stand a good chance against the Radioactives.”

[Polonium]: “Might as well consider the battle won.”

[Fluorine]: “We are ready to leave when you are.”

[Silver]: “Mercury will be calling for a village meeting soon to tell us his plan. We’ll leave right after. I should have healed enough by then.”

[Copper]: “I’m sorry again, brother.”

[Silver]: “It’s alright. Get your armor ready. We will be prepared for the worst.”

Part 4

Alloy Mountains, forest clearing

Reunited with their true leader, the Radioactives returned to their base at the mountains. Ununseptium took a moment to inspect the site of the assembly hall.

[Ununseptium]: “Excellent work with the cutting. I have plenty of area to work with.”

[Ununquadium]: “Oh it was absolutely dreadful cutting for so long. It felt like we were working all day. And working is no fun!

[Copernicium]: “Hmm! As you can see, Quadi’s voice is still an issue.”

[Ununseptium]: “Our sibling is unique. I think Ununoctium would approve.”

[Ununquadium]: “See? And you give me such ugly looks, Coperni. Makes me want to wipe them off your face one bit at a time.”

[Ununtrium]: “I dunno, it’s kinda worrying to me.”

[Ununpentium]: “And a bit scary…”

[Livermorium]: “We should focus… on the task at hand.”

[Ununseptium]: “Geni will be here soon with the rest of our followers. I must get to work. Hmm… Cadmium once told me the name that the Halogens used for their final base. I have decided to use a similar name. Our final stand, our grand assembly hall will be located within the citadel that is Lattice Fortress! Now… all elements, rise!”

Satisfied with the dramatic reveal of the assembly hall’s name, Ununseptium began to construct it. He lifted his hands and summoned pillar after pillar of black diamond from the ground. The nearby Alloy Mountains boosted his strength by offering more minerals with which to use. It was truly the ideal place for the final phase of the Radioactives’ plan.

Part 5

Hydrogen Ocean village, main hall

With the exception of Gold and their newfound allies, the entirety of the village elements were in the main hall. Mercury had finished deliberating a course of action with the Nobles.

[Mercury]: “It is clear after today’s betrayal that we have been cleverly used all along. More than half the village has fallen to the hands of Ununseptium. We are left with no option but to leave.”

[Rutherfordium]: “And how exactly will we leave?”

[Mercury]: “The Nobles have ordered that we construct rafts. The previous ones were destroyed with the voltage storm. There is an island out in the Chlorine Sea. They have assured me we will be safe there once we arrive.”

[Molybdenum]: “Are you sure we could make it there in time?”

[Mercury]: “It should take less than an hour to assemble the rafts. With Oxygen controlling the wind, we will arrive before dusk.”

[Silver]: “Won’t running prolong the inevitable?”

[Mercury]: “Next time they find us, we will be ready. The island will provide us with more reinforcements. Once we regroup, we will come back and hunt the Radioactives until all of them are obliterated!”

[Silver]: “We would be no better than them if we killed them out for having different ideals.”

[Mercury]: “It is a choice of survival! As sane elements, we deserve to live.”

[Silver]: “That kind of decision isn’t for us to make. I have another idea.”

All of the elements turned to look at Silver. It was rare to see the Navigator challenged especially during a time of crisis.

[Mercury]: “This better be good, Silver. I hate wasted time.”

[Silver]: “I will be going to their base and talking us out of a battle. Ununseptium said he is fighting us because we asked for it. If that is the truth, he will be willing to come to an understanding with us. I can recall him saying Ununoctium encouraged forgiveness.”

[Mercury]: “Have you gone berserk? There is no understanding! That element corrupted one of my sisters and murdered the other, citing Ununoctium as his reason. What more proof do you need to see that he is insane???”

[Silver]: “I know Cadmium is a good element. She would have wanted to find a way to achieve peace. Ununoctium must have given her that.”

[Mercury]: “That is a pathetic example of peace. She must have known all along that Ununseptium would betray us. Zinc’s death is on her hands!”

[Silver]: “Mercury, I know it hurts. I myself have felt the pain firsthand. But if we don’t come to a mutual understanding with elements of differing views, we will lose those closest to us.”

[Mercury]: “That is appeasement, a foolish strategy.”

[Silver]: “Foolish or not, that is my strategy. I am leaving to settle things with the Radioactives.”

[Mercury]: “You will listen to your Navigator. If you don’t, I cannot guarantee your safety.”

[Silver]: “It’s not my safety I’m worried about. This is for my family. I will see my plan through. If anyone would like to help, I would very much appreciate it. Gold, Copper, and I already have some. Gold!”

Gold walked into the main hall, followed by Iodine, Polonium, and Fluorine.

[Mercury]: “Halogens! But how? I thought you obliterated them, Silver!”

[Polonium]: “Please, you make it sound like it’s easy.”

[Silver]: “I thought Fluorine was done with, but apparently I was wrong. They are going with me to the Alloy Mountains. These are the elements we need on our side.”

[Mercury]: “How dare you, making friends with our enemies like they never did anything wrong!”

[Silver]: “Do you really think I would forget what they put us through? The fact of the matter is that we need their help, forgiveness or not.”

[Mercury]: “Absolutely not. You should be punished for keeping this alliance a secret from me!”

[Silver]: “To be fair, this just happened today. But I rest my case. If you won’t help, we will leave alone.”

There was a silence in the hall. To everyone’s surprise, Gallium was the first element to move. He slowly got up from his corner and moved to Silver’s side.

[Mercury]: “Gallium! You are one of our most loyal elements. W-Why, how could you forsake us?”

Gallium hit the floor with one of his shields, signifying his allegiance to Silver’s cause.

[Hydrogen]: “Hydrogen will help Silvy!”

[Oxygen]: “Hydrogen, get back here! It isn’t safe!”

[Hydrogen]: “Hydrogen didn’t learn to fight for nothing. She is ready!”

[Sodium]: “I won’t let you go alone, sister!”

[Oxygen]: “Both of you, please, you are going to get yourselves killed!”

[Rubidium]: “He’s right you two. Silver looks like a good fighter and all, but this can’t end well for him.”

Silver winced at hearing his former love say such discouraging words about him.

[Hydrogen]: “Rubi is soooo wrong and that makes Hydrogen sad! She has seen Silvy fight before!”

[Sodium]: “I’m not letting Hydrogen go alone. You can’t stop us.”

[Polonium]: “Come on, Oxygen. What’s the matter, scared?”

[Oxygen]: “I know you’re an exceptional fighter, Polonium. Ugh… I’ll go too. Rutherfordium, Rubidium, you two will have to stay behind to tell Palladium what happened to us.”

[Rutherfordium]: “Always giving in to their whims. Typical Oxygen.”

[Rubidium]: “I don’t think this is such a good idea…”

[Mercury]: “It isn’t a good idea. What do you elements think you are doing?”

[Silver]: “We are deciding what to do for ourselves.”

[Mercury]: “I am ordering you… TO STAND DOWN, SILVER!”

[Silver]: “No, sir.”

Mercury and Silver both stared into each other’s eyes. Tension filled the room. On Mercury’s side were Vanadium, Nitrogen, Molybdenum, Rutherfordium, Rubidium, and the Nobles. Silver’s side had plenty of battle-capable elements, but could they really defend themselves if needed? Mercury didn’t think so.

[Mercury]: “Fine, I have done my job. If you want to go on a suicidal mission, so be it. I have my orders.”

Silver’s party left the building. Molybdenum came chasing after Silver.

[Molybdenum]: “Silver! Please… reconsider.”

[Silver]: “Moly, there will come a time where you have to choose what to stay loyal to. For me, that is my family. I will not run from this confrontation. Stay here and have a good life in case something happens to us.”

[Molybdenum]: “O-Okay… goodluck!”

She waved at him as his party continued on their walk.

[Molybdenum]: “Please come back…”

Inside the main hall, the Nobles discussed the results of their meeting.

[Xenon]: “So Silver has gone rogue.”

[Argon]: “How unfortunate.”

[Mercury]: “Should I have stopped him?”

[Xenon]: “No, you did your job. Silver may not admit he is helping our cause, but in the incoming battle, he should take out a Radioactive or two, making our work easier. We may as well have sent him.”

[Neon]: “He is also giving us more time to prepare.”

[Argon]: “So let’s get started! Those blasted Radioactives will be here soon!”

[Helium]: “Three rafts should be a good number, yes?”

[Krypton]: “Should be. I don’t think any of those elements will survive.”

[Mercury]: “I won’t bother with giving any pity. I remember what happened last time I did.”

He thought about the rogue elements one last time. Silver, Gold, Copper, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Sodium, Gallium, Polonium, Iodine, and Fluorine, such a large batch of elements to be needlessly sacrificed. Oh well, they had it coming like Cadmium. It was he, Mercury, who would survive to see a better future made for all elements.

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